The best Commercial Corner in Guanacaste

One Corner.
All Possibilities.

A unique Commercial Opportunity.

A strategical location with unlimited future.

UPDATE APRIL 2024: 6 water taps available and included on purchase.


June 2018 Update: BIG CHANGES in the property!

Very Important Earthworks have been done on the property between December 2017 and June 2018

Commercial Corner Main Values.

Strategical intersection, unlimited future value.

A location that guarantees success. 

At just 20 minutes from the International Airport (LIR) and in the crossing point of 4 major coastal communities of high purchase power and home of a successful tourist industry, this corner is gold right now, and will be diamonds in the near future. 

Its Prime Location and the unique topography of the property, open the possibilities to a large variety of multi-use development, with great potentials in both commercial and residential fields.

As the access point to Playas del Coco (3 minutes), Playa Hermosa (5 minutes), Playa Panamá (8 minutes) and Playa Ocotal (6 minutes), these are the main beaches where residents and tourists alike visit regularly.

Customers passing daily.

Affluence and purchase power.

As the connecting point for several communities of high purchase power, thousands of residents and tourists (more than 5,000 cars) pass back and forth many times daily by this location, this property is business ready and a golden opportunity for an extensive array of services.

Not affected by rigid rules for coastal lands.

A very favorable zoning.

The Chorotega Zoning Decree of 2008, qualify this property in the Internal Zone, meaning the property is not affected by the rigid rules regulating coastal lands.

However, there's only three kilometers between the land and the warm and calm waters of Coco Beach.

For Commercial Buildings: Maximum building height is 20 meters (65.6 feet tall – 5 to 6 story building – minimum lot size 300 square meters.

For Tourism:
Maximum building height is 36 meters (118 feet tall) or a 9 to 10 story building – Density - 160 rooms per hectare – minimum lot size 500 square meters.

For Residential:
Maximum building height is 36 meters (118 feet tall) or a 9 to 10 story building – Density – 25 homes per hectare per floor, 100 people per hectare per floor, minimum lot size 300 square meters.

And ADD all these advantages
and entitlements onto buyer's favor:

SETENA Resolution #1991-2012

Environmental Studies D1 completed and SETENA approved

Resolution #1991-2012 SETENA (Secretaría Técnica Nacional Ambiental).
Expediente Administrativo No.D1-6160-2011. July 30-2012.
Currently up to date and valid.

Municipality approved.

Excavation plans and
permits ready

Earth movements permits are already approved by The Municipality of Carrillo, including permits for the excavation of rock/lastre at the commercial corner.

Tons of material has already been removed for the repair of roads and dykes in the zone, work done in alliance with the Municipality, who has been using our donations to repair roads among the cantón.

We are currently in the process of removing another 100,000 cubic meters of material to create several huge flat buildable terraces and internal roads that will increase the value of the property and the return on your investment.

Not affected by rigid rules for coastal lands.

A very favorable zoning.

The Chorotega Zoning Decree of 2008, qualify this property in the Internal Zone, meaning the property is not affected by the rigid rules regulating coastal lands.

However, there's only three kilometers between the land and the warm and calm waters of Coco Beach.

For Commercial Buildings: Maximum building height is 20 meters (65.6 feet tall – 5 to 6 story building – minimum lot size 300 square meters
For Tourism:
Maximum building height is 36 meters (118 feet tall) or a 9 to 10 story building – Density - 160 rooms per hectare – minimum lot size 500 square meters.
For Residential:
Maximum building height is 36 meters (118 feet tall) or a 9 to 10 story building – Density – 25 homes per hectare per floor, 100 people per hectare per floor, minimum lot size 300 square meters.

Visits, reports and approval since June 2011.

Archaeological studies ready

Construction permits - Earth Movements N˚246-2013

Earth movements and construction permits issued and approved by the Municipality of Carrillo.

Also a Master Plan for the Commercial Corner has been completed November 11, 2016 and it is available with budgets, architectural proposals and many time $aving documentation.

6 water hookups guaranteed and more available.

Water connectivity ready

The area is being a pioneer in the country with the first public+private financing for the improvement of the area public water systems.  

Jade Gardens S.A., has been part of the private investors impulsing this project from the beginning. We have already reserved 6 water hook-up/connections for this property, and being part of the group of initial supporters, there are more water connections guaranteed to the developers of these lands, if required.

10 KVA transformer approved and ready.

Electric power ready

The Commercial Corner presently has a 10 KVA electrical transformer installed. Coopeguanacaste agrees to provide a 230 KVA electrical service to the project from the nearby substation at Nuevo Colon.

This property also offers excellent conditions and location for solar power, while the upper areas present excellent opportunities for wind generation.


Phone lines ready

30 telephone lines already approved and available for startup of the project.


Geotechnical + Soil studies ready. New updated Soil Studies by Castro De La Torre, March 13/18 - INF2018/03/2100.

Sustainability ready.

Sewage Treatment Plant designed and approved.

Sewage Treatment Plant designed by Proamsa is pre-approved and plans are ready to be used by the Developer.

Stormwater drainage plan CDG 2012

Hydrological study and plan ready.

By CDG Environmental Advisors. August, 2011

Certification of threat conditions and natural risk management.
Monthly updating of SETENA Environmental Viability.
Informe de Genencia Ambiental: Proyecto Esquina Comercial- April/May 2018.

All the documentation on the specific entitlements of each property are available and will be provided by the owner to qualified investors.

Advances = Readiness = Low Risk = Money and Time $avings.

Take advantage of an Investment Opportunity and the Entitlements of Added Value and Time Management already invested in this project.

Soil use certifications100%
A dynamic and solid local economy.95%
Earth movements permits 100%
Sewage plant 75%
Easy Access + Prime Location100%
Environmental impact studies90%
Electricity ready90%
Phone lines90%
A beneficial zoning100%
Archaeologycal, Geotechnical and Hydrological100%
Water connectivity ready95%

 It is not easy to express in numbers all the work already done in favor of the future developer of this and the other 2 properties featured in this website.

However, it's totally safe to say that the FINANCIAL SAVINGS will be a number between 6 to 7 digits. Especially in Costa Rica, starting a project with so many advances, is tremendously valuable. 

Besides the direct BUDGET BENEFITS, these entitlements also represent TIME SAVING that definitely will be even more valuable for the future developer.

Buyer/Developer will save about 24 months in government red-tape.
Will save about 18 months in topographic, hydrological, environmental, geological and archeological studies already done and approved. 
Save about 12 months in design and land preparation, with roads and terraces already approved by the Municipality. 
Save about 9 months in connectivity and services availabilty, with electricity, phone lines and water supply solved.


Size of the Property:  44,842 (11.07 Acres)

It has 605 mt. (1,985 ft) of paved road frontagewith 1 corner connecting 2 National Roads (Routes 151 and 159).

Corporation name : Jade Gardens S.A.
Public name : Commercial Corner
Names in documentation: Jade Gardens S.A. and/or Commercial Corner
Zoning : Both Residential and Commercial
 Plano Catastro: #G-687148-2001
Matricula: #121400-000

Price per square meter: $65.68

Property sales price:

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Check here a 2 minutes video with a brief introduction on these 3 Properties in Costa Rica.

Corner Land Update & Video

Very important earthworks have been done on the property between December 2017 and June 2018 and will continue for several months more. 

Until June 2018, over 30,000 cubic meters of earth movement materials have been excavated and removed and several new internal roads and building terraces have been added.

In total, 30.000 cubic meters have been excavated to date and more Earthworks will contiinue in the future.

With these new Earthworks, the property will have added 75% of the area flattened and buildable. 

These Earthworks added a value in excess of $500,000.00 US to the property value and about 28,000 mt2 of buildable land.

Coming soon.

Check here a 2 minutes video with an update of land works in the commercial corner in Costa Rica.

June 2020 Update.

New land works have continued during this year, removing another 60,000 cubic meters, as well as creating several new terraces and roads.

Commercial Corner update June 2020




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